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Finding new ways to travel


I used to travel quite a bit, both for work and to explore new places and take a break. If you had told me almost a year ago when I returned from an amazing solo trip to Venice, Italy, that I wouldn't leave my home county of Hampshire, yet alone the UK for the next year or more I would have not believed you (and quite possibly would have asked for some of whatever you were drinking!).

Now almost a year on that's the reality. I only leave my home to go to work and back or to go for a walk in the local woods, which I am blessed to have nearby. I haven't been in a restaurant since March and not in a shop since April. Dealing with anxiety issues means I simply can't do any of those things at the moment. It's really hard to not to become quite inward looking and to forget that there is a whole world still out there.

But here's the thing. You can still access it, just a little bit differently. The practicalities of travel have always caused me anxiety, especially going through security in airports. But I do it a lot because I love my job and I know that once I get to where I'm going it will all be worth it and the getting there will become a distant memory pretty soon. But what if you can taste the atmosphere, meet the locals and explore a bit of the history and culture, all without leaving your home? I discovered you can, and like many other people I'm really enjoying accessing 'online experiences', through sites such as google street view, museum websites or AirBNB.

Since I stopped real travelling I've had lots more time at home, and due to the stresses of going to work every day in an NHS hospital, I've found that I need something to look forward to - and there's only so long that those things can continue to be alcohol or chocolate....

So every weekend I have been booking at least one online experience via the AirBNB app. They usually last for 60-90 minutes and are on a variety of subjects, ranging from city tours, historical tours, cooking, quiz nights, farm visits, scavenger hunts. In the last few months I've been to Japan, United States, Russia, India, New Zealand, Italy, Kenya, France, Greece, Portugal, Argentina, Mexico and Ecuador. I've done a group sketch with an artist from Buenos Aires, I've visited a Zen Garden in Kyoto and I've made a Dia De Muertos mask for my Halloween pumpkin. I've done quizzes about Harry Potter (this Ravenclaw won by the way....!), chocolate and travel, and I've met some lambs on a farm in Wellington. I've learnt about crime in London and Boston and how to sketch like a street artist. I've met some incredibly interesting people, both hosting the sessions and also as guests. Some tours have been so good that I've gone back and done follow up tours with the same host (thank you Andrew (Kyoto) and Poppy (San Francisco)!). The most I've paid is £15, and the least was £4. Amazing.

It may not be the ideal place where we would all like to be right now, but it's made a huge difference to my mental wellbeing and happiness and I also like the fact that I am helping to support the tourism industry, albeit in a very small way, as local tour guides have not been able to do physical tours for many months. I've been able to ask questions about different cultures and countries that I would never have had the chance to do otherwise. It's so much fun. I hope it doesn't stop after the pandemic eventually ends (which I can assure you it will).

For now I will carry on virtually touring, and leaning into the little gifts that 2020 has brought. They are there amongst all the sadness and stress - you just need to look carefully to find them.


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